Saturday, December 19, 2015

Deerfield Beach Coders' Cafe 17 December 2015

Coders Cafe - 12/17/2015 - 6:30 PM - Cendyn Spaces, Boca Raton - Open Space Talk - Dave Noderer

Open Space Talk. We made a list of topics and plan to discuss them as a group. A little different, more informal, and definitely informative. I've collected some topics but discussion will be driven by what the attendees want to talk about. If you want to add to the list ahead of time contact me:
  • Virtual development - minimal local resources, ideas and experiences
  • Mobile apps dev - Native vs Hybrid (Xamarin) vs javascript (cordova) vs app builders
  • Open source projects - What are you participating in?
  • Device show and tell, laptops, phones, IOT
Thanks to Carolyn, Steve and Rick at Gravity IT Resources as sponsors of Coders Café this year! You can find them at:

See the Photo Essay !

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Palm Beach IT Users Group Annual Holiday Party!

Palm Beach IT Users Group
08 Dec 15, Roxy's Pub, 309 Clematis St, West Palm Beach, Fl
Annual Holiday Party!
From our Group Leader:
I want to thank everyone that showed up last night. We had a small, but nice turnout, and I think everyone there had a great time.

Before the end of this year I will have some important news about the future of this user group, so stay tuned and periodically check the group website for additional information.

John Vighetto
Vighetto Networking, Inc.