Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Deerfield Beach Coders' Cafe, 02 July, 2013

It all started with an interactive game, designed, (among other things?) to demonstrate some of the points to be made in the presentation.

Presentation by Kaushik Chokshi of COHEALO

“Is there a gap between Agile theory and practice? With ten years of practical Agile examples and some and fun exercises, let's explore the myths and reality behind this ubiquitous buzzword. We'll go through some theory (quickly) and play a game which explores the practicality of Agile concepts, and try to see if there's truth behind Yogi Berra statement that "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."


Kaushik brings over twenty years experience in software and application development having lead projects in the areas of healthcare services, e-commerce, practice management, and medical imaging. Kaushik earned a MS in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University.

A very interesting presentation with a tremendous amount of audience participation.  Check out the Photo Essay here.

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