Comments from our group leader,
I would like to thank everyone that joined us last night (both
physically and via GoToMeeting) which voiced their opinions and provided
much needed information as to what types of future presentations you
would like to see.
We now have a list and if there's anyone that wishes to add and/or
suggest additional vendors, technologies, etc., please either do so here
or send me a private email; whichever you feel more comfortable doing.
Would definitely
like to hear from the other people in the group, so please don't be
John Vighetto
Added from Adam,
Thanks John,
I wanted to attend in person but got delayed until after 7pm so I called in :-)
Phone was bit muffled so I didn't catch every word but it looks like you've got a good list of topics for the new year.
Whenever you guys want to do another Linux night, let me know.
I'll burn some Ubuntu disks so everyone can boot up and play along.
Adam Schwartz