Microsoft TS2 Seminarist, J. J. Antequino with Scott Cayouette, SF SBS Users Group. JJ gave an excellent talk on Microsoft Software as a Service and several other relevant subjects. Click here for More photo's.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
TS2 with JJ in Fort Lauderdale !
Microsoft TS2 Seminarist, J. J. Antequino with Scott Cayouette, SF SBS Users Group. JJ gave an excellent talk on Microsoft Software as a Service and several other relevant subjects. Click here for More photo's.
Microsoft Small Business Server
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12/02/2008 - 6:30 PM - Ft Lauderdale - Citrix - Caleb Jenkins, training mentor, National Speaker for INETA
In photo above, Bill Schultz, Citrix Representative, Dave Noderer, FlaDotNet & Caleb Jenkins. Click here for more photo's.
Friday, November 14, 2008
SFTN with SonicWALL
The SFTN met this Thursday November 13th, 2008 @ at Citrix World Hq. 851 W. Cypress Creek Rd, Fort Lauderdale. Pre-meeting started at 6:30 PM and the General Meeting commenced at 7 PM.
This Months Special Guest & presentation was Doug Zalenski from SonicWALL. Doug gave a very enlightning presentation on the SonicWALL product lines. This was enhanced by the presence of current SonicWALL users in the audience.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
IT Tailgate 08

Seen above, from the left to right, Bruce Gaster, Network Solutions, Rene Alamo, Microsoft Corp, & Terry Hines, Dell Inc. These three gentlemen combined to present 'IT Tailgate 08' at Logos Aviation at Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport, 2900 NW 59th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL , 3309., on 11 Nov 08.
You can see more photo's of the event by clicking HERE.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
FlaDotNet Mtg on 4 N0v 2008
11/04/2008 - 6:30 PM - Ft Lauderdale - Citrix - Dave Noderer - Computer Ways, Inc. and Max Trinidad (FLPSUG)
Seen here from the left to right, (1)Bill Schultz, Group support representative from
Citrix World Hq that sponsors the meeting location, (2) Max Trinidad From the Florida PowerShell Users Group and(3) Dave Noderer of Computer Ways & FlaDot Net.
See more information on sponsors, supporters & numerous future activities.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
SBS 2008 Gotchas
Cloud Computing & FlaDotNet
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Microsoft SBS 2008 Roll Out

September 11, 2008 Microsoft rolls out SBS 2008. Here, Scott Cayoutte (left) from the South Florida Technology Network (who organized the hosting of this event) chats with the audience while Kevin Watt (right - Microsoft presenter) takes a much-needed drink of water.
This packed event was attended primarily by user groups from Dade. Broward and Palm Beach counties, as well as others.
Much appreciation is expressed to all of those who participated in making this event a great success.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I was having a nice swim last night. After a while, basically some Aqua-Jogging. Then I remembered that someone had some actual Aqua-Jogging accessories on the pool stuff shelves. Naturally, it was on the top shelf. While trying to get it down, I lost my footing and fell on my face (right into the kitty-litter box. (Which, thankfully, had just been cleaned.)).
Adding insult to injury, I managed to 'pop' my shoulder on the way down. Another trip to the ER. (We've just got to stop meeting like this.....).
Kudo's to Dr. Vidal & Nurse Ivan. It was about two hours of excruciating Agony getting Xrayed & 'prepped'. Finally, I became aware of my surroundings, not knowing that I had been 'elsewhere'. And my arm was back in my shoulder socket. There was a bit of tenderness, but the major pain was gone. I was back home four hours after it happened.
Ah, yes... this is definately a ' Don't try this at home (or on a production-machine)' issue.
I'm still strapped up with a shoulder harness, but I seem to be able to use the computer ok.
Here's hoping that you have a better day than I. ;-)
Adding insult to injury, I managed to 'pop' my shoulder on the way down. Another trip to the ER. (We've just got to stop meeting like this.....).
Kudo's to Dr. Vidal & Nurse Ivan. It was about two hours of excruciating Agony getting Xrayed & 'prepped'. Finally, I became aware of my surroundings, not knowing that I had been 'elsewhere'. And my arm was back in my shoulder socket. There was a bit of tenderness, but the major pain was gone. I was back home four hours after it happened.
Ah, yes... this is definately a ' Don't try this at home (or on a production-machine)' issue.
I'm still strapped up with a shoulder harness, but I seem to be able to use the computer ok.
Here's hoping that you have a better day than I. ;-)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Update on Hanna
Hi Folks !
I watched Hanna drift North from Boca while at work, on the computer about 14:00 or 15:00.
Relief ! I figured correctly that it was going to be a beautiful evening for the NASF Happy Hour at 'The Sands' (click here).
And if you hit the link above, you'll see that it was a lovely evening indeed. The next Happy Hour is on 03 October 2008.
Best wishes,
(waiting on 'Ike')
I watched Hanna drift North from Boca while at work, on the computer about 14:00 or 15:00.
Relief ! I figured correctly that it was going to be a beautiful evening for the NASF Happy Hour at 'The Sands' (click here).
And if you hit the link above, you'll see that it was a lovely evening indeed. The next Happy Hour is on 03 October 2008.
Best wishes,
(waiting on 'Ike')
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hurricanes, Hurricanes and more Hurricanes
Here we go again, Gustav & Hanna plus two more as-yet-unnamed disturbances behind them. Check it out:
(I guess that the big party in St. Paul has really upset the balance of nature - Don't say that Al Gore didn't warn us)
Meanwhile my little brother goes Kayaking from Salem Willows to Misery Island (put it in 'Slide Show' mode at:
......and further, have a nice day !!
(I guess that the big party in St. Paul has really upset the balance of nature - Don't say that Al Gore didn't warn us)
Meanwhile my little brother goes Kayaking from Salem Willows to Misery Island (put it in 'Slide Show' mode at:
......and further, have a nice day !!
Hurricanes and more Hurricanes
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Nice of Hurricane Fay to give me some time to update my 'Backbone' computer. This is a 1998 Gateway which still has the original case & floppy drive. It was originally delivered with 1st edition Win 98. This I updated to 98 SP 1 when it came out. Shortly after that I added larger HDs, always cloning the previous to the next.
I skipped ME & 2000, but did update to XP Pro and all subsequent SPs. In all this time, I always 'cloned' up or updated on the existing system. OK, it's 2008, ten years of never doing a complete clean-up and the registry probably looked like a car engine that had never had an oil change.
The back breaker was using the Scanner. I had to shut down my Zone Alarm AV & Adware functions in order to start the scanner software. ZA was just using too many clock cycles and you could see it clearly in Task Manager & Process Explorer.
All important files and programs were available on my Vista Desk top & Laptop so I could wipe clean without really losing anything. I had two 40g drives available so I just completely removed the 80g & 10g (used for swap file). I installed one 40g. (You know the song, Fdisk, Format - Reinstall.) With XP Pro sp1 & immediate update to sp2 & sp3. After that, AVG virus scanner, PC Tools Firewall Plus, my original, tried & true Office 2000, SysInternals, Firefox& ACDC etc.
After everything was in, running and fully updated, I took my second 40g disk, and cloned the first on to the second and then swapped drives. So the drive I just built is on the shelf as an emergency replacement & the clone is now happily whirring away in my 'Gateway'. I'm going to hold the 80g drive 'loaded' on the shelf for a while in case I need to re-install it.
Best of all, if I want to Scan, I can do so directly without having to shut down something else in order to do it. When not doing that, I can watch Hurricane Fay as it proceeds merrily on it's Florida Vacation. What do you do on a rainy day?
I skipped ME & 2000, but did update to XP Pro and all subsequent SPs. In all this time, I always 'cloned' up or updated on the existing system. OK, it's 2008, ten years of never doing a complete clean-up and the registry probably looked like a car engine that had never had an oil change.
The back breaker was using the Scanner. I had to shut down my Zone Alarm AV & Adware functions in order to start the scanner software. ZA was just using too many clock cycles and you could see it clearly in Task Manager & Process Explorer.
All important files and programs were available on my Vista Desk top & Laptop so I could wipe clean without really losing anything. I had two 40g drives available so I just completely removed the 80g & 10g (used for swap file). I installed one 40g. (You know the song, Fdisk, Format - Reinstall.) With XP Pro sp1 & immediate update to sp2 & sp3. After that, AVG virus scanner, PC Tools Firewall Plus, my original, tried & true Office 2000, SysInternals, Firefox& ACDC etc.
After everything was in, running and fully updated, I took my second 40g disk, and cloned the first on to the second and then swapped drives. So the drive I just built is on the shelf as an emergency replacement & the clone is now happily whirring away in my 'Gateway'. I'm going to hold the 80g drive 'loaded' on the shelf for a while in case I need to re-install it.
Best of all, if I want to Scan, I can do so directly without having to shut down something else in order to do it. When not doing that, I can watch Hurricane Fay as it proceeds merrily on it's Florida Vacation. What do you do on a rainy day?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hot Links
Another update: I have updated the 'Hot Links' with several new links. These are for - primarily - trouble-shooting issues. As well as products to prevent the need for troubleshooting in the first place. That way you may enjoy 'Happy Computing' ! Have a Good Day!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Link Update
I have got the 'Notes' link updated to 'Hot Links' now. For now, these links will be sources of downloadable programs, such as virus scanners, spy ware detectors & various other tools. Use or not use them at your own risk.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I've got to change my 'Notes' button to 'Links' . Stuff in 'Notes' can go to 'Blog'. Add useful Links to 'Links'.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Yes, I do really do do back-ups ! Yesterday I did a full backup & an image. My program is scheduled to back up any changes weekly. Do you have your stuff together?
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