Sunday, February 21, 2016

South Florida Code Camp 20 Feb 2016

Welcome to South Florida Code Camp 2016
Event Date: February 20, 2016 7:30 am - 5:45 pm


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Palm Beach IT Users Group, 09 Feb 16

A word from group spokesperson, John Vighetto:

Good morning and Happy Hump Day!

For all that attended last night's presentation by Adam, I'm sure that you were all saying the same thing: do we really have to leave now?

Adam not only briefly recapped what he went over in his first presentation, but added additional information of how you should be learning some version of Linux right now. He was generous enough to format and prepare numerous flash drives for everyone to boot from so that they could see first hand how simple and practical Linux really is.

Thanks Adam for a fantastic presentation, and I know I will be reviewing Linux more carefully now because of your presentation. 

Also, thank you Jennifer, for allowing our user group to keep having our meetings at Windstream Communications!

Look for Dave Lord's posting on his blog for pictures and additional information about last night's presentation.

John Vighetto"
Thanks Adam for the presentation, also to John and Jennifer to made it happens.

I have to accept that I was so overwhelm of ideas after the meeting, that in my opinion (perhaps a suggestion) we may need a part II to go in detail about desktop and server setup, for which I know there are some good resources online but I’m sure Adam’s experience can bring some good ideas and tricks to it.

Thanks again,

Ratzil Rodriguez |
Ratzil / Everyone,
I was thinking the same thing. I had to give a lot of background info last night just to get us all up to speed. We ran out of time for some practical examples.
I'll be happy to do another Linux night and dive straight in. I'll send out some practical examples and John can post them somewhere.
I know I'm not the only Linux user in the group (Dave Lord, Pat Patterson, Robert Oliva, anybody else?)
Although Linux is mainly used for Servers, there are millions of people using Desktop distros, some good ones are Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora
(more here
I've been using Ubuntu as my daily desktop for years. It seems like the only time I use Windows is when I'm fixing someone else's machine, LOL.

Boot off your flash drive, play around and get comfortable with the way Linux does things. You can run Ubuntu Live or install it on an old "craptop" replacing Windows.
(I find that when you dual boot, you never break free from Microsoft's grip)
A great resource is the Ubuntu Forums and of course use Google.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Adam Schwartz
This was a really very active meeting, with everyone looking for more follow up in this area.  You may not   think that there is a lot of action from the pictures, but let me tell you, those CPUs were burning up and no one cried over the spilt beer at the MAM !  Check out the PHOTO ESSAY .