Thursday, August 23, 2018

Coders Café PowerShell Core Cloud VM with Azure Resource Manager Max Trinidad - Sapien

Coders Café PowerShell Core Cloud VM with Azure Resource Manager Max Trinidad - Sapien
Hosted by Dave Noderer, FlaDotNet
Tuesday, 21 Aug 18, 18:30 - 21:00, Cendyne Spaces, Boca Raton, Fl.


In this session, we are taking a look at building a virtual machine in cloud using PowerShell Core and Azure Resource Manager commands in Linux. This demo will cover from the ground up to create a VM as the Azure documentation was incomplete, and there are some pitfall to avoid before you start creating scripts. It's important to understand and start using Azure Resource Manager (AzureRM).


Max Trinidad joined SAPIENS Technologies as their Technology Evangelist for their line of products. Involved with scripting autmation on SQL Server, & MS Cloud Technologies. Microsoft MVP (PowerShell) since 2009, MVP SAPIEN Technologies, & IDERA ACE 2017. Active Florida speaker: SQLSaturday, IT Pro & .NET Code camps.