Sunday, October 19, 2014

Palm Beach IT Users Group, 14 Oct 14 - StorageCraft Presentation

A few of the comments from this presentation:

I want to thank everyone who made it out to the Storage Craft presentation last night. Kevin Uttich did a great job of explaining to the members who were not aware of all the features that Shadow Protect has to offer, as well as provide us with tips & tricks for the seasoned veterans that use it on a daily basis.

Although Kevin was bound by his company's NDA, he was able to talk about some of the new features that will be coming out this next quarter.

Thanks again Kevin for not only presenting, but for the food and beverage as well.

I also want to thank Jennifer Cohen-Louth and Windstream for continuing to host our user group meetings!

John Vighetto
Vighetto Networking, Inc."
"Thanks for putting this very productive meeting together, as well as Kevin.
Thanks Jennifer for the support!

Ratzil Rodriguez | office: (561) 247-1504 | mobile: (561) 337-0935 | | skype: ratzil |"
 Thanks, Kevin, for a very productive and informative presentation!

Please see the photo essay HERE.

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